I was excited when Melanie and Nick asked me to shoot their Lookout Mountain engagement photos near Golden, Colorado. Usually when I’m on top of Lookout Mountain my heart rate is north of 160bpm because I’m riding my bike with friends to Buffalo Bill’s grave at the top. It’s a popular route and training ride for hundreds of road cyclists every single day.
We started in Golden along the river before heading up the mountain. The road offers some great views of downtown Golden and even Denver along the way but I wanted to capture the essence of the long, winding curves and the evergreen trees near the upper half. A storm was moving in quickly and we were able to take advantage of the dense fog that settled in the upper switchbacks. Melanie and Nick didn’t mind kissing in the rain and fog which resulted in my favorite image of the day.
While they warmed up in the car, we drove to Union Station in downtown Denver in my neck of the woods for a few final photos in the newly renovated space. The platform was completely empty and a touch of color still remained in the sky so we walked outside for a couple frames before getting to sit down and enjoy some excellent local craft beers at Terminal Bar.
I had a great time with these two so it’s safe to say that it won’t be the last beers that I have with them. Thanks for allowing me to shoot your Lookout Mountain engagement photos.